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Further Reading
Brookes JT, Smith RJ, Menezes AH, Smith MC. Median labioman-
dibular glossotomy approach to the craniocervical region. Childs
Nerv Syst 2008;24(10):1195-201.
Kassam AB, Snyderman C, Gardner P, Carrau R, Spiro R. The
expanded endonasal approach: a fully endoscopic transnasal
approach and resection of the odontoid process: technical case
report. Neurosurgery 2005;57(1 Suppl):E213. discussion E213.
Frempong-Boadu AK, Faunce WA, Fessler RG. Endoscopically
assisted transoral-transpharyngeal approach to the cranioverte-
bral junction. Neurosurgery 2002;51(5 Suppl):S60-6.
Fong S, DuPlessis SJ. Minimally invasive anterior approach to
upper cervical spine: surgical technique. J Spinal Disord Tech
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