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Ratnavel RC, Norris PG. Penicillamine-induced elastosis per-
forans serpiginosa treated successfully with isotretinoin.
Dermatology 1994;189(1):81-3.
Saxena M, Tope WD. Response of elastosis perforans serpigi-
nosa to pulsed CO2, Er:YAG, and dye lasers. Dermatol Surg
Kelly SC, Purcell SM. Imiquimod therapy for elastosis perforans
serpiginosa. Arch Dermatol 2006;142(7):829-30.
Langeveld-Wildschut EG, Toonstra J, van Vloten WA, Beemer
FA. Familial elastosis perforans serpiginosa. Arch Dermatol
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