In Depth Tutorials and Information
of autosomal recessive OI. 113,114 Clinically the dogs exhib-
ited osteopenia, spontaneous bone and teeth fractures,
joint hyperlaxity and frequent early loss of homozygous
animals. 113,114 The affected dachshunds are homozygous
for a naturally occurring spontaneous L326P (leucine-to-
proline substitution at position 326) missense mutation
in the SERPINH1 gene. There is not an equivalent human
OI patient and the molecular mechanism remains to be
elucidated. The dachshund represents a larger animal
model which may model the human bone more closely
than mouse. However, large animals are more expensive
to maintain, and dog breeder's interests are typically to
eradicate lethal or debilitating alleles from the purebred
dog gene pool. 114
Online Mendelian Inheritance of Animals (OMIA) data-
base, 11,12,118 all of which are valuable resources for inves-
tigators desiring to use such animal models.
[1] Dalgleish R. The Human Collagen Mutation Database 1998.
Nucleic Acids Res 1998;26(1):253-5.
[2] Marini JC, Forlino A, Cabral WA, et al. Consortium for osteogen-
esis imperfecta mutations in the helical domain of type I collagen:
regions rich in lethal mutations align with collagen binding sites
for integrins and proteoglycans. Hum Mutat 2007;28(3):209-21.
[3] Forlino A, Cabral WA, Barnes AM, Marini JC. New perspec-
tives on osteogenesis imperfecta. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2011;
[4] van Dijk FS, Nesbitt IM, Zwikstra EH, et  al. PPIB mutations
cause severe osteogenesis imperfecta. Am J Hum Genet 2009;
[5] Morello R, Rauch F. Role of cartilage-associated protein in skel-
etal development. Curr Osteoporos Rep 2010;8(2):77-83.
[6] Cabral WA, Chang W, Barnes AM, et al. Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1
deiciency causes a recessive metabolic bone disorder resem-
bling lethal/severe osteogenesis imperfecta. Nat Genet 2007;
[7] Baldridge D, Schwarze U, Morello R, et al. CRTAP and LEPRE1
mutations in recessive osteogenesis imperfecta. Hum Mutat
[8] Christiansen HE, Schwarze U, Pyott SM, et al. Homozygosity for
a missense mutation in SERPINH1, which encodes the collagen
chaperone protein HSP47, results in severe recessive osteogen-
esis imperfecta. Am J Hum Genet 2010;86(3):389-98.
[9] Alanay Y, Avaygan H, Camacho N, et al. Mutations in the gene
encoding the RER protein FKBP65 cause autosomal-recessive
osteogenesis imperfecta. A J Hum Genet 2010;86(4):551-9.
[10] Kelley BP, Malfait F, Bonafe L, et al. Mutations in FKBP10 cause
recessive osteogenesis imperfecta and Bruck syndrome. J Bone
Miner Res 2011;26(3):666-72.
[11] Eppig JT, Strivens M. Finding a mouse: the International
Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR). Trends Genet 1999;15(2):81-2.
[12] Strivens M, Eppig JT. Visualizing the laboratory mouse: captur-
ing phenotype information. Genetica 2004;122(1):89-97.
[13] Bishop N. Characterising and treating osteogenesis imperfecta.
Early Hum Dev 2010;86(11):743-6.
[14] Sillence DO, Senn A, Danks DM. Genetic heterogeneity in
osteogenesis imperfecta. J Med Genet 1979;16(2):101-16.
[15] Bonadio J, Saunders TL, Tsai E, et al. Transgenic mouse model
of the mild dominant form of osteogenesis imperfecta. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA 1990;87(18):7145-9.
[16] Harbers K, Kuehn M, Delius H, Jaenisch R. Insertion of retro-
virus into the irst intron of alpha 1(I) collagen gene to embry-
onic lethal mutation in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1984;
[17] Hartung S, Jaenisch R, Breindl M. Retrovirus insertion inacti-
vates mouse alpha 1(I) collagen gene by blocking initiation of
transcription. Nature 1986;320(6060):365-7.
[18] Lohler J, Timpl R, Jaenisch R. Embryonic lethal mutation in
mouse collagen I gene causes rupture of blood vessels and is
associated with erythropoietic and mesenchymal cell death.
Cell 1984;38(2):597-607.
[19] Wu H, Bateman JF, Schnieke A, et al. Human-mouse interspe-
cies collagen I heterotrimer is functional during embryonic
development of Mov13 mutant mouse embryos. Mol Cell Biol
[20] Stacey A, Mulligan R, Jaenisch R. Rescue of type I collagen-
deicient phenotype by retroviral-vector-mediated transfer of
Osterix Null ( Sp7 −/− ) Mouse
Osterix null ( Sp7 −/− ) mice lack a functional osterix
gene and die within 15 minutes of birth due to respira-
tory insufficiency.115 115 Grossly, bones are hypoplastic, bent
and deformed; histological examination demonstrates
an almost absent mineralized skeleton, lack of bone tra-
beculae and no fusion of joints. 115 Markers of osteoblast
differentiation are severely reduced, while markers of
osteoclasts were normal, suggesting a lack of mesenchy-
mal cell differentiation into osteoblasts with a concomi-
tant lack of bone development. 115 This model underscores
the importance of osterix during bone development;
however, early lethality of the mice make it difficult to
study the role of osterix during growth and adulthood.
The Sp7 −/− conditional knockout mouse generated using
a cre/lox strategy 116 is phenotypically normal at birth, but
begins to display an osteopenic phenotype by 8 weeks
of age, which persists at 16 weeks of age (adulthood).
Growing and adult mice display reduced mineraliza-
tion, BMD, bone formation rate, thinner and more porous
cortical bones and immature trabeculae similar to those
seen in newborn mice. 116 Osteoclasts, chondrogenesis and
growth plate morphology are normal at all ages exam-
ined. 116 This model allows for the study of early skeletal
development and maturation as well as further elucida-
tion of the signaling pathway involved in osteogenesis.
Currently only a single human patient carrying a frame-
shift of the SP7 gene has been described. 117
In summary, animal models have been instrumental
in elucidating the genetic, molecular, biochemical and
pathophysiology of OI as well as expanding our under-
standing of connective tissue structure and function.
Animal models are critical to the evaluation of poten-
tial therapeutic strategies and approaches. Presented
here is the current status of characterized OI animal
models ( Table 21.1 ). However, as new models are con-
tinually identified and generated they can be found in
the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database, the
International Mouse Strain Resources (IMSR) and the
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