Spring 3's support of JSR-303 Beans Validation, type conversion, and formatting
will be used for binding the requests and for converting string formats into Java
For the views, jQuery and jQuery UI will be used to enrich the user interactions.
Moreover, various jQuery plug-ins will be used for specific purposes. For example,
jqGrid will be used for grid-based display of blog entries, with support for page
size, pagination, and sorting. The CKEditor was used for rich-text input.
Spring Security will be used for the authentication and authorization of protected
resources. For example, only logged-in users can post new blog entries or
comment on existing blog posts, and the administrator can view the audit history
of a blog post entry.
For the file attachment upload feature, Spring Framework 3.1's support of the
Servlet 3.0 file-uploading feature will be used.
Since most of the topics mentioned in Chapter 17 were applied to the presentation layer of the
SpringBlog application, it's highly recommended you read Chapter 17 first, if you haven't done so. In the
following sections, we will highlight some of the main implementation details of the SpringBlog
presentation layer. In the following section, the main implementation details of the presentation layer
will be provided.
Web Resource Files Folder Structure
In the SpringBlog presentation layer, all the resource files (JSPX view file, Apache Tiles layout template,
CSS style sheets, JavaScripts, and related libraries, Spring WebApplicationContext configuration files) are
stored under the folder /src/main/webapp. Figure 21-18 shows the folder structure for the SpringBlog
application in STS.
The structure is basically the same as the sample application we developed in Chapter 17. The
JavaScript resources (including jQuery, jQuery UI, jqGrid, CKEditor, and so on) are stored in the folders
scripts, jqgrid, and ckeditor, respectively. The styles folder stores the CSS files that support theming
of SpringBlog, and the images folder stores the images.
The layouts folder stores the page layout template for Apache Tiles. The spring folder stores the
Spring WebApplicationContext configuration files. The views folder stores all the JSPX view files for the
frontend. The views folder stores the template components, such as the header, menu, footer, and so on.
The blogs and comments subfolders store the view files for listing, viewing, adding, and editing blog posts
and comment entries, respectively.
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