In this chapter, we covered many topics related to web frontend development using Spring MVC.
First we discussed the high-level concepts of the MVC pattern. Then we covered Spring MVC's
architecture, including its WebApplicationContext hierarchy, request-handling life cycle, and
Next we developed a sample contact application using Spring MVC, with JSPX as the view
technology. During the course of developing the samples, different areas were elaborated on. Main
topics included i18n, theming, and template support with Apache Tiles. Moreover, we used jQuery,
jQuery UI, and other JavaScript libraries to enrich the interface. Samples included the date picker, rich-
text editor, data grid with pagination support, and so on. How to secure a web application with Spring
Security was discussed too.
We also went through some new features brought to us by Spring 3.1 for supporting Servlet 3.0­
compatible web containers. We demonstrated how to handle file upload by using Spring 3.1 MVC within
a Servlet 3.0 environment. Also, the new support for code-based configuration instead of configuration
in web.xml file was covered.
In the next chapter, we will discuss more features that Spring brings us in terms of web application
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