CDE is the major result of the Cose agreement. It is a set of tools and window toolkits
(Motif 1.2.3), along with supporting cross-process communications software (ToolTalk®),
which will form the basis of the window offerings of all major UNIX vendors. Each
vendor will productize CDE in its own fashion and ultimately maintain separate source
bases, doing its own value-add and its own bug fixing.
coarse-grained locking
See [fine-grained locking]
context switch
The process of removing one process (or LWP or thread) from a CPU and moving
another one on.
critical section
A section of code that must not be interrupted. If it doesn't complete atomically, some
data or resource may be left in an inconsistent state.
A process or a thread that works in the background. The pager is a daemon process in
An abbreviation for distributed computing environment--a set of functions deemed
sufficient to write network programs. It was settled upon and implemented by the original
OSF (Open Software Foundation). DCE is the environment of choice of a number of
vendors including DEC and HP, while Sun has stayed with ONC+TM. As part of the Cose
agreement, all of the vendors will support both DCE and ONC+.
A situation in which two things are stuck, each waiting for the other to do something first.
More things can be stuck in a ring, waiting for each other, and even one thing could be
stuck, waiting for itself.
device driver
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