The gridwidth variable lets you specify the width of a cell in terms of cell units.
The default is 1. To specify that a component use the remaining space in a row, use
GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER. To specify that a component use the next-to-last
cell in a row, use GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE. The gridheight constraint works the
same way, but in the vertical direction.
You can specify a padding value that will be used to increase the minimum size of a cell.
To pad horizontally, assign a value to ipadx. To pad vertically, assign a value to ipady.
Here is an example that uses GridBagLayout to demonstrate several of the points just
// Use GridBagLayout.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
<applet code="GridBagDemo" width=250 height=200>
public class GridBagDemo extends Applet
implements ItemListener {
String msg = "";
Checkbox winXP, winVista, solaris, mac;
public void init() {
GridBagLayout gbag = new GridBagLayout();
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
// Define check boxes.
winXP = new Checkbox("Windows XP ", null, true);
winVista = new Checkbox("Windows Vista");
solaris = new Checkbox("Solaris");
mac = new Checkbox("Mac OS");
// Define the grid bag.
// Use default row weight of 0 for first row.
gbc.weightx = 1.0; // use a column weight of 1
gbc.ipadx = 200; // pad by 200 units
gbc.insets = new Insets(4, 4, 0, 0); // inset slightly from top left
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST;
gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
gbag.setConstraints(winXP, gbc);
gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
gbag.setConstraints(winVista, gbc);
// Give second row a weight of 1.
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
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