<A extends Annotation> A
Returns an Annotation object that contains the
getAnnotation(Class<A> annoType)
annotation associated with annoType for the
invoking object.
Annotation[ ] getAnnotations( )
Returns all annotations associated with the invoking
object in an array of Annotation objects. Returns a
reference to this array.
Annotation[ ] getDeclaredAnnotations( )
Returns an Annotation object for all the annotations
that are declared by the invoking object. (Inherited
annotations are ignored.)
String getImplementationTitle( )
Returns the title of the invoking package.
String getImplementationVendor( )
Returns the name of the implementor of the
invoking package.
String getImplementationVersion( )
Returns the version number of the invoking package.
String getName( )
Returns the name of the invoking package.
static Package getPackage(String pkgName) Returns a Package object with the name specified
by pkgName.
static Package[ ] getPackages( )
Returns all packages about which the invoking
program is currently aware.
String getSpecificationTitle( )
Returns the title of the invoking package's
String getSpecificationVendor( )
Returns the name of the owner of the specification
for the invoking package.
String getSpecificationVersion( )
Returns the invoking package's specification
version number.
int hashCode( )
Returns the hash code for the invoking package.
boolean isAnnotationPresent(
Returns true if the annotation described by anno is
Class<? extends Annotation> anno)
associated with the invoking object. Returns false,
other wise.
boolean isCompatibleWith(String verNum)
Returns true if verNum is less than or equal to the
throws NumberFormatException
invoking package's version number.
boolean isSealed( )
Returns true if the invoking package is sealed.
Returns false other wise.
boolean isSealed(URL url)
Returns true if the invoking package is sealed
relative to url. Returns false other wise.
String toString( )
Returns the string equivalent of the invoking
TABLE 16-19
The Methods Defined by Package
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