Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
» Contrast and compare various types of semiconductor memories
in terms of their capacity, organization, and access time
» Describe the relationship between the number of memory locations
on a chip, the number of data pins, and the chip capacity
» Define ROM memory and describe its use in 8051-based systems
» Contrast and compare PROM, EPROM, UV-EPROM, EEPROM,
flash memory EPROM, and mask ROM memories
» Define RAM memory and describe its use in 8051-based systems
» Contrast and compare SRAM, NV-RAM, checksum byte,
and DRAM memories
» List the steps a CPU follows in memory address decoding
» Explain how to interface ROM with the 8031/51/52
» Explain how to use both on-chip and off-chip memory with the 8051/52
» Code 8051 Assembly and C programs accessing the 64K-byte data
memory space

» Show how to access the IK-byte RAM of the DS89C4xO in Assembly andC

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